Khalif Barkhadle
6 min read2 days ago

By: Khalif Barkhadle ,
Digital Journalist
Published On: 29th June 2024.

Narcissists tend to be selfish, self-centered, and controlling. They may come across as charismatic in terming when you first meet them, but this is just a facade they put up to get what they want from you. Narcissists likely have lengthy demands and expectations that they expect you to fulfil. So, what do narcissists want with you in the end?

1. Narcissists want to destroy you
Narcissists want to hurt you and see you suffering. They want to rip you apart, and they want to enjoy every minute of it. Narcissists use you for their gain and then discard you when they’re done. They don’t care about your feelings or needs. They only care about themselves and what they want. Narcissists want to destroy everything that makes you happy. Narcissists want to ruin your life, your family, and your friends. They want to ruin your reputation, dreams, and even your hopes of ever being happy again. If they can’t have it, then no one will.

2. Narcissists want to make you feel that you are worthless
When it comes to narcissists, the end goal is to make you feel worthless. This can be done by making you think that your opinion doesn’t matter and that you have no value. They want to make you feel like you are never good enough for them and that no one else would ever want you. Narcissists are so insecure and have such low self-esteem. They need to make others feel worse than them to feel better about themselves. They want to be the centre of attention even if it means making others miserable. Narcissists wish everyone around them to worship them and tell them how great they are. Even though deep inside, they know they aren’t very good people.

3. Narcissists want to make you feel guilty for everything
Narcissists will do everything they can to turn the tables on you and make you feel bad about yourself. They want you to feel like you’re the reason they are so unhappy. Which is why narcissists make it seem like they have all these problems in their lives. Narcissists have no issues whatsoever they just want someone else to blame it on. The resists are masterful manipulators who’ll take every opportunity to make you feel like the worst person in the world. For example, if you disagree with them, they’ll accuse you of being ungrateful or disrespectful. They’ll use guilt to control you and keep you in line.

4. Narcissists want to use you for their gain
Narcissists want you for one reason: to use you for their gain. This is the first thing they want to do, and it’s what they will do up until the end. The end justifies the means for narcissists. They’ll use anyone and anything as long as it gets them what they want. Narcissists are constantly looking for ways to manipulate people. They will only change this pattern if they don’t get what they want from you. Here’s the thing: narcissists aren’t interested in you. They’re interested in what they can get from you. Narcissists are Masters at creating an idealized version of themselves that they want others to see. They’ll tell you that they love you and make you feel like the most critical person in the world, but that’s just a way for them to get what they want. Narcissists are still taking advantage of their feelings for them, leaving you high and dry when they’re done with you.

5. Narcissists will never give up control over you
Narcissists will never give up control over you. They want you to be in their debt, and they want you to be dependent on them. We all know they want to be in charge of everything, but did you know that they will do anything to maintain this control? It’s the only thing they know how to do, and they’ll never give it up. Narcissists will do whatever it takes to keep you on their web.
They want you to be available for their every whim, and they’ll make sure you know it. They will keep trying to get their way and never let you go. Control is the only way narcissists can feel good about themselves, and it’s the only way to get what they want.

6. Narcissists want to be the centre of your attention
Narcissists want to be the centre of your attention. They want you to focus on them and what they’re doing, and they want you to feel like you can’t get enough of them. Narcissists Crave Your admiration and praise, and can’t stand it when you show any signs of Independence or self-sufficiency. Suppose you don’t give him the attention they want. In that case, narcissists will push you by ensuring that you know that not giving them attention is a sign of disloyalty or disrespect. This can come in many forms: belittling your accomplishments, undermining your self-esteem, gaslighting, making you feel like things aren’t real, breaking up with you, and so on.

7. Narcissists want to feel better by making you feel worse
Narcissists have a deep-seated need to feel better about themselves. They do this by making you feel worse about yourself.
Narcissists want you to be the object of all their rage, anger, and frustration. It’s all about them and never about you. They do not care about you, and they do not care about your feelings. Narcissists are only concerned with how they feel and how you can make them feel better. Narcissists love the attention they get when they put you down, and they’ll do whatever it takes to keep it up. They don’t care if they hurt your feelings. They just want to make sure that you’re paying attention to them. Narcissists will take advantage of any opportunity to make you look like the wrong person so they can look better.

8. Narcissists want to manipulate you and use your emotions against you
Narcissists want to manipulate you and use their emotions against you. They want to know what makes you tick and feel happy, sad, angry, or jealous. Narcissists want to know what makes you feel vulnerable and weak. So, they can use that information against you in the future. They want to know everything about you, so they can use it against you later. Narcissists are tricky, narcissists want all of your energy, whether good, bad, or ugly, because they feed off of it. If you feel sorry for them, they will take advantage of that pity to get what they want from you, maybe money or attention. They’re always looking for ways to manipulate and use your emotions against you, so being alert and staying on top of their game is vital.
Narcissists want you to believe that you can never do anything right
what do narcissists want to get out of you? They want you to believe that you can never do anything right by making you feel like your efforts are never good enough. They’ve created a situation in which they can be the one who always win and feel good about themselves. By making you feel like nothing and driving you crazy with their demands.

9. Narcissists can keep themselves at the top without having to show any real effort. Narcissists want to make you doubt yourself and your ability to make decisions. They want to make you feel like an incompetent human being who can’t even open a door without breaking it down. Narcissists want to keep you in a state of permanent self-doubt so that when they tell you what’s wrong with your life, they seem to be the only ones who know anything.
Narcissists want you to be dependent on them
Narcissists are still trying to make you dependent on them, by making you feel that they are the only people who can help you or the only ones who understand you, they do this by using a lot of emotional manipulation, such as guilt. And making you feel like nobody else will ever care about you again. If you can’t survive without them, they’ll always be able to keep you around because you’ll never leave them. You don’t have any other options; you’re stuck with them. whether or not it makes sense for you in the long term.

10. Narcissists are parasitic people who feed off of other people’s life energy.
Narcissists see other people as tools, tools for their self-gratification, tools for obtaining power and influence, and tools for making themselves feel better about themselves. Narcissists want to control or hurt you. It may not seem like it, but they do. But by understanding what they want from you, you can find a way out of their selfish acts and tactics.

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Khalif Barkhadle